2019 - 2020
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Now a days the world is changing to digital technologies. Each and every person have a mobile phone, laptop and many electronic gadgets etc. Everybody stores their all data in their gadgets or any other electronic devices. In this project, we are going to use the above devices. By using these devices, first we get the data which means that the ECG signals from the user and it should be stored it into the system
The data are getting in the format of image, and it will be converted into the form of graph so that only we can digitalize the graph values so as to process. And then the data is going to be processed using program in that it will analyse the data with the previous dataset which is the signals are imported while training the machine and also the user signals used in a various format.
In the program contains some features to have variations in the signals to train the machine. And finally, it will be analysed / compared with those, and it will send the result as the person is an authenticated or not by our model.
Project year
Funding Amount
Mr.P.Naveen Kumar
Mr.M.Ganesh Kumar
Mr.A.Selva Kumar
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