2017 - 2018
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Farmer suicides account for 11.2% of all suicides in India. In 2014, the National Crime Records Bureau of India reported 5,650 farmer suicides. Increasing ANTHROPOGENIC ACTIVITIES (growing industries, mushrooming population, ruthless exploitation of natural resources) on land have made it unfit for agriculture. Increasing demand and decreasing agricultural lands.
Quick, qualitative and quantitative yield with a small piece of land with minimized labour and modernized methods in an economical rate.
This project is to create a hydroponic system that allows anyone to have the ability to farm their own hydroponic plants in a greenhouse using a simple automated system.This system will relieve the user from a lengthy setup and daily maintenance. The user will be able to specify the plants wanting to be grown through a web interface which is connected to the microcontroller running the system. The plant specific settings will be loaded and thresholds for each sensor calibrated into the microcontroller, thus eliminating any research the user needs to do on their own. This system will perform all necessary daily testing, adjust system levels (pH, nutrients, water) as per requirements, notify the user about a problem requiring action and log all testing data for analysis
Project year
Funding Amount
Mr.ArunKumar H.R
Ms. Meenakshi Murugappan
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